Photo Ideas

Cabbage Leaf By Edward Weston
Adjectives: 1) simple 2) smooth 3) veiny 4) ruffly 5) dramatic 6) flowy 7) textured 8) torn 9) curvy 10) interesting

Shell & Rock by Edward Weston

Adjectives: 1) simple 2) grainy 3) sharp 4) drastic 5) opposing 6) cracked 7) bumpy 8) rough 9) clear 10) hilly

Thomas Shahan
The background, the stem the fly is on, and most of his body are out of focus. The eyes are what is clearly focused on. It really makes the details of the fly's eyes pop and creates an awesome texture.

Pavel Koubek
This picture was the second place winner in the portrait category. The face is clearly the focal point. It is the lightest thing in the photo. There is great contrast in the shadow of the woods in the water and his face and the refelction of it. There is recurringhorizontal lines in the ground, the trees, and the ripples in the water. The reflection of the trees creates a border around the head. The surroundings are beautiful, especially the sky. It was caught in the right moment, just when his head was peeking out of the water. Overall, it is a beautiful, interesting photograph.

Jon Giebler 
The open doorway in this photo creates an aesthetically pleasing frame. The space between the doors and the scene outside creates an interesting composition.

lighting photography

Henry Jones

The lighting in this picture creates shadows that create shapes throughout it. The shadow of the boxes repeats on the ground and continues the pattern and the square shapes. The light source also creates two rectangles: light on the left and dark on the right, breaking up the photo. The soft light creates an interesting glow. There is two obvious light sources, a soft, white light and a harsh yellow light. There also appears to possibly be a third light inside lighting up the details of the building.

Connor Barry

I like the harsh, dramatic lighting on the side. I also like how the light illuminates all the snow through out the photo. The light creates a silhouette on the right side of her, creating implied shapes



Leonard Cohen

Street Portrait

Street Photography Portrait

Brett Harkness

Creative Photography

Johnny Chung Lee
I love the exact moment he catches when the bottles explode. There's such interesting textures and shapes you can create when you take a photo at an exact explosive moment. I also found fun high speed photos on this site.

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